i went to a magical place called Mbaracayu . it is an all girls school that is self sufficient. the girls come from places like brazil, paraguay and a few from bolivia. i went with a handsome group of people, Juan, Ton, and Leah. we left on Wednesday at 11:00 am and arrived there at 7:00 pm. i love bus rides, but any ride that is more than 2 hours can be difficult on the heart and soul. a part of the trip was over an uneven dirt road. but people selling chipa and playing music on their portable radios made the sojourn more bearable. we arrived in a little place called Villa Ygatimi and spent the night there. Leah, reading The News from Paraguay 6:30 am, a man picked us up and drove down a dirt road into the reserva. this is us at the entrance: Leah and a Mika after we were feed delicious rainforest breakfast, we went on a rainforest walk. i can't remember the last time i was in a rainforest like this. Mexico most likely. i love the smells, the sounds, ...